

Tochigi Leather

The Japanese Tochigi tannery was founded in 1937.
Genuine Nume leather is dipped in a dye which has been extracted from the resin of Brazilian Mimosa. The leather is then soaked thoroughly in the dye for a long period of time.
This tanning technique is unique, which makes it stronger than other leather products. Tochigi leather increases in luster and shine with every use, and is very durable, making it an ideal material for high end bags and wallets.
This tanning technique has been used in Japan for centuries. The durability of the leather made it a perfect material for use in Japanese Busho ( Japanese Military Commanders) armor. In recent years, it has also been attracting attention as an organic material.


コーマキャンバス(combed yarn canvas)とは、綿花をコーミング(梳かす)して、短い未熟な繊維を取除き、残った長い繊維のみを用いて作られた高級糸「コーマ」を用いて織られたキャンバスです。現在はあまり使用されなくなったシャトル織機で製織されており、生地の端はほつれないようにセルビッジという耳がついています。またパラフィン加工が施されているので防水性に優れています。コーマ糸を用いて織られたキャンバスは、濃密で、生地に光沢感があり、手触りがしっとりとしているのが特徴です。このようなコーマキャンバスで作られた鞄は、強度もあり、使う程にあじが出てきます。





Combed Yarn Canvas #6

Combed Yarn canvas is an original Amiacalva material made in Okayama Prefecture, Japan.

The canvas is made from cotton which is combed to remove the short, raw fibers. The remaining long, high quality fibers are used to produce the canvas. It is woven using an old fashioned shuttle loom to ensure that the edges of the fabric do not fray.The shuttle loom creates a clean edge to the canvas.Combed Yarn Canvas is tightly woven, producing a dense, shiny fabric. The canvas is dipped in paraffin wax to give it an excellent water resistant quality, and an oily, soft to the touch feel.Bags made from this canvas are strong and durable, and retain their beauty through years of use.

About the canvas :

1 square meter of the canvas uses at least 8oz (227g) of cotton, and is woven using a thick, uniform weave. It is made using 100% natural materials. It is durable, breathable and weathers nicely over time.

About the shuttle loom:

The shuttle loom is an old fashioned loom used for weaving strong materials such as vintage denim. The loom is slow to weave, but produces a more precise and tight weave. These days, the shuttle loom is rarely used and therefore no longer produced.